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Welcome to XReader page

This page contains information about arduino project that I’m currently working on.

XReader - under development

XReader is controller for Arduino UNO which in conjuction with PN532 NFC/RFID module and further in the future with finger print sensor will act as door gate. This project is for my diploma thesis.


Hardware components


  1. Draft Android application created:
    • Capable of storing (new/old) keys encrypted and decrypted by fingerprint reader
  2. Arduino connected with PN532 reader
  3. Draft Arduino Controller created:
    • Capable of Defining Master Card, registering & storing new cards, determining if card is registered or not
  4. K212 with R305 powered from arduino using Step Up DC Converter
  5. Case for testing purposes
  6. Initial memory storage handling
  7. LED’s controlling
  8. Buzzer sounds handling
  9. Opening door using pin 3 and connecting it with transistor to K212 Boar’s OPEN signal