Welcome to XReader page
This page contains information about arduino project that I’m currently working on.
XReader - under development
XReader is controller for Arduino UNO which in conjuction with PN532 NFC/RFID module and further in the future with finger print sensor will act as door gate. This project is for my diploma thesis.
- Arduino source code
- https://github.com/h0l0tn1k/XReader
- Android app source code
- https://github.com/h0l0tn1k/MultiAccess
Hardware components
- Arduino UNO
- Set of Male to Female cables
- PN532 RFID & NFC reader
- Buzzer
- 5V to 12V Step up DC converter
- for Buzzer, K212 & Solenoid Lock
- Solenoid lock
- Capacitive switches
- K212 control board
- R305 fingerprint reader
- RFID cards/tokens
- Android smartphone with NFC
- LEDs
- 3D Printer
- PLA fillament
- Draft Android application created:
- Capable of storing (new/old) keys encrypted and decrypted by fingerprint reader
- Arduino connected with PN532 reader
- Draft Arduino Controller created:
- Capable of Defining Master Card, registering & storing new cards, determining if card is registered or not
- K212 with R305 powered from arduino using Step Up DC Converter
- Case for testing purposes
- Initial memory storage handling
- LED’s controlling
- Buzzer sounds handling
- Opening door using pin 3 and connecting it with transistor to K212 Boar’s OPEN signal